Finish Your Novel with Moon Rabbit’s Novel Year!

Have you been obsessed with writing a novel for years? Do you dream of throwing yourself a lavish book party? Are you a BIPOC, neurodivergent, queer, or otherwise marginalized creator who wants a supportive space to finish their fabulous book?

Look no further! Sign up for Moon Rabbit’s Novel Year, a nine month intensive where you and a group of dedicated writers will get the support you need to finish writing your books. Novel year includes:

  • 90 pages of feedback from me, your instructor!

  • 3 thirty minute conferences with me, about anything you want!

  • Biweekly workshops that include generative and revision exercises you can directly apply to your manuscript! (See our syllabus here.)

  • Workshops on querying and pitching an agent, along with a query letter critique!

  • Support from a community of brilliant fellow writers who are also in the process of finishing their books!

  • Tons of encouragement, reassurance, bad jokes (from me), good jokes (from your classmates), and proof that you are a genius and your stories deserve to be in the world!

    Interested? Sign up here!

    *Note that the sign up form requires 20 pages of your manuscript in progress. Applications accepted on a first come, first serve basis, but preference given to BIPOC, neurodivergent, and queer writers.